What is Instant EFT and how does it work?

Instant EFT is the newest, fastest and easiest way to make an EFT payment. It differs from manual EFT in that, with manual EFT, you would need to go to your bank or online banking site and, using our bank account details, make the payment in your own time. This payment could then take up to 3 days to reflect on our end. With Instant EFT, payment is well, instant. Here's how to use it:

1. Select Instant EFT with OZOW as your payment option during checkout
2. Select your bank from the list presented
3. Enter the relevant details in the OZOW portal (details are not stored)
4. Select an account to pay from e.g. Cheque, Savings (if you only have one account, it will be automatically selected for you and this step will be skipped)
5. The automated process will navigate and populate the relevant fields on your behalf in the background
6. Your bank will send you a form of payment authentication either by means of SMS, USSD Push message or In-App 6. Once you have successfully authorised your payment, the transaction is marked as complete.
7. You will then receive a notification that the transaction was successful and the order can then be processed. There is no need to send through a proof of payment, and no need to wait for the funds to reflect in our account. Hairhouse Warehouse does not store or capture any of your banking details.

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