Can I change my order once it has been placed?

Once an order has been placed, it cannot be changed or altered. Products or quantities cannot be changed once the transaction has been completed. For an order to be changed, the placed order will need to be cancelled and a new order placed with the correct products and quantities.

The process of cancelling and placing a new order will depend on the chosen payment method. These are listed below:

  1. Orders placed by debit/credit card or Instant EFT will require the order to be cancelled and an in-store credit issued to the amount paid for the order. A new order will then need to be placed and the in-store credit can be applied to that order.
  2. Orders placed by Manual EFT can be cancelled immediately if payment has not been made yet. A new order can be immediately created after cancellation. If payment has already been completed, the payment will need to be found in our account first before the order can be cancelled and an in-store credit issued to place a new order. Please note that this process could take a couple of days.

To request a cancellation, please send us a message through our Contact Us page or send a message through our live chat.

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