How do I check my order status?

To check the status of your order, simply login to your account and navigate to your "Orders".

You will find here a list of your orders and details on their current status. The following order statuses exist:

  • New Order - we have received your order and your payment
  • Processing - we are busy processing your order in our warehouse
  • Completed - your order has been processed and is being collected by RAM Hand-to-Hand Courier, and you will shortly be receiving your tracking details via email
  • On hold - this status is typically only shown if you chose the Manuel EFT payment method on checkout and indicates that we are waiting for your manual EFT payment to clear in our account
  • Pending - we have received your order but your payment has not yet cleared
  • Failed - your payment failed or was declined

Once your order status has been set to "completed" you can click on the "view" button which is located next to your order and will find order/courier tracking details for your order on the page that opens. Completed orders will also receive an email notification, with tracking details included.

If you are still stuck, please speak to a member of our support team for more information and we will be happy to assist you with providing the status of your order.

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