To place an order, start by browsing and finding the items you wish to purchase, then simply click the “Add to cart” button. Continue browsing if you would like to add more items. When you are ready to place the order, click the shopping basket icon which is located at the bottom right corner of your browser window if you're on a on mobile device or at the top right corner of your browser if you're on a desktop computer. You will be taken to the Shopping Cart page where you can view everything in your cart, as well as the shipping cost and overall order total.
When ready, click “Proceed to checkout” and you will be taken to a page to enter all your required details. Then proceed to the Delivery Details page to enter the delivery address. Once completed, you may proceed to the Payment Option page. Select your desired payment method and fill out the details. Once done, click on the “Place order” button. Your order will then be processed and processed for delivery.
Should you get stuck along the way or have any questions, please feel free to send us a message through our live chat and we can talk you through placing your order. Happy shopping!